The PSP is like the Ring of Power. At first I bought it saying that I’d sell it after I played a couple of games. Unfortunately every time I try to send the PSP back into the fires of Mt. Doom. We wants it.

That being said. I have found a couple of practical uses for my PSP because it comes with a Mozilla web-browser. Since my house has wireless internet I use it in the morning to check the news and the weather. When I switch my website to TurboGears later this year I’m want to make a nice PSP portal site with a couple of little web-apps (Todo-list, iCal compatible callendar?, weather and news agregator) And I especially want to make a way I can syncronize my computer with the portal. I also wonder if in the future I can make a program for my treo that’ll download the information from the portal and synchronize it with the palm applications.

I probably wont even do half of all that, knowing myself. The to-do list, bookmarks and feed agregrator maybe. Computer/Palm syncronizing probably not.


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