Category: General
Purple hair
Bleaching my hair was a painful experience, but it was worth it. I like the subtleness of the purple. I might not even have to wear a hat at work. A couple of pictures can be found on my Gallery
Google Summer of Code
The deadline for applications is coming up. I’m glad I was able to apply for two really nice projects. Some people applied to 5 or 6, but I hopefully my applications were better quality than theirs. Plus I did a lot of research on both, and I’m confident that I can accomplish them. The first…
I got a job with a a cellular phone service provider to gather and analyze data from all over the island. It’s from 10pm to 7am, some people think that’s a bad thing, but I hate having to wake up early.
The todo list grows…
I’ve been thinking about moving my blog to pybloxsom, and then making my own gallery using spyce so that I can just remove php from this server. It’s a lot of work though, so I probably wont do anything. Nothing is pretty much what I’ve been spending my time doing lately anyway. This is the…
Upgraded once more
Now I’m running 1.5.1. I got Adelphia Cable internet today, I’m not impressed, but it works… kind of. The main problem is how slow it is sometimes. Like if it had some strange QoS rule that makes http slower than anything else. There’s also the terrible ping times, my 56k had better ping times! (this…
Eating too much
Ever since I’ve got here I’ve been hungry the whole time. I need to stop. Tomorrow morning I’m hitting the little gym for at least 30 minutes. Today I visited my old high school, Cupeyville. It was pretty cool seeing the teachers again. After that me and Alberto played Halo for a couple of hours…