Category: Personal

  • IRC Quote

    00:46 < wm_eddie> I need to become a cute Korean girl.

  • Upgraded once more

    Now I’m running 1.5.1. I got Adelphia Cable internet today, I’m not impressed, but it works… kind of. The main problem is how slow it is sometimes. Like if it had some strange QoS rule that makes http slower than anything else. There’s also the terrible ping times, my 56k had better ping times! (this…

  • New Page

    New Page Well it’s now 4am, it took me 4 hours to get it working. No assembly done tonight. I’m so good at procrastination, it hurts.

  • Website overhaul

    Since my website was attacked I’ve been working on security and making a real site instead of just a wiki. I looked into JSP and mod_python to see what crazyness I could come up with. JSP didn’t work very well since Debian stable only has Java2 1.1. Stable’s mod_python is pretty old so I can’t…

  • Back from Doug’s house

    I spent the weekend at Doug’s house working on our PalmOS project (A 2-player game that uses IrDA). Although we both got pretty far along, we still don’t have anything that’s playable yet. Doug started by writing on top of the example serial_chat.c program that the professor gave the class. I really hate writing in-side…

  • Finished my Study Aborad Applications!

    Currently my Todo list is: – Do Eavesdropping JSL28 – Do R/W #3 – Do R/W #2 – Turn in R/W #1 – Do Logic proofs 110-210 I finally got my applications done, now it’s time to catch up in Japanese and logic class. I also plan to catch up on my reading, after I…