Category: Laptop
EMobile D01NE on Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn
The EM D01NE is a (I think) HSDPA PCMCIA card. The driver for the modem comes with Ubuntu 7.04 (Maybe before). I get about 2Mbps from it (max is 3.8). Getting this setup in Ubuntu is easier than getting it setup with Windows. The only gotcha is that you have to install Gnome-PPP first, since…
Ubuntu 06.10 Edgy Eft
I’ve upgraded Chiaki to Ubuntu 06.10. I did a clean install this time because my 06.6 installation was pretty old, and had a good number of custom packages installed. Luckily for me I found out that a lot of people have been having problems doing dist-upgrades. I think 90% of those problems are because of…