Author: wmeddie

  • Sharp MM20 Update

    I was asked by someone about the Sharp MM20’s Linux compatibility. I decided to post the info I gave him here to help anyone else thinking about getting one. Unfortunately the Actius MM20 is a huge piece of crap. Despite it’s incredible smallness, sharp screen, long battery life and Linux compatibility (Ubuntu worked out of…

  • Performancing for Firefox

    So there’s this pretty nice application for firefox called Performancing that lets you blog directly from Firefox.  I don’t know about everyone else, but I’ve always bloged directly from Firefox. The only difference is that with Performancing you get a nice little horizontal side bar to do it in.  The extensions you can make in…

  • Quod Libet

    Quod Libet is the music player I use and occasionally hack on. In the current revision in SVN my lyrics plugin has been integrated into the main player. I also added a feature to the album list view so that you could access the plugins menu from it. Since I’ve been in Japan for nearly…

  • New Year

    Happy New Year USA. I didn’t dream of any Hawks, Egg plants, or Fuji-san. Damn.

  • Component Object Model

    So after getting the new laptop, and installing the Microsoft Retail Management System software I learn that the plugin system is based on legacy code, and not .NET code like I was told. I became very annoyed that my uncle didn’t know about this earlier because if I had known I was going to be…

  • Upgraded

    I just finished upgrading to the latest version of WordPress.  Since this will probably screw up the aggregrators I’ve decided to correct a bunch of spelling errors.

  • markd2

    Vegetarians eat Vegetables, Humanitarians frighten me

  • Testing

    Hey it only took me more than a year to get that word-press livejournal plugin working…..

  • PSP – PSP The PSP is like the Ring of Power. At first I bought it saying that I’d sell it after I played a couple of games. Unfortunately every time I try to send the PSP back into the fires of Mt. Doom. We wants it. That being said. I have found a couple…

  • Employment

    It seems that my uncle is going to start a small software company selling a Value Added version of Microsoft Retail Management System for gasoline stations and convenience stores and I’m one of the programmers. I really hope the preparations for the partnership with Microsoft take a long time so I can get back into…