Author: wmeddie

  • Announcing Better Mail

    Better Mail for Android on AppBrain About a year ago I bought the first Android phone available in Japan for the sole reason of making apps. Unfortunately I’ve had very few itches that needed scratching. About a month ago that changed, because the built-in Gmail app has a fatal flaw. The Problem If you…

  • How To Get etags Working in Emacs

    You’ve been using Emacs for how long and you haven’t figured this out yet? Yup.  Up until now I’ve never really needed to actually get etags working in Emacs.  I remember trying to figure it out long ago as a newbie and giving up.  It’s initially difficult because it’s not as simple as just saying…

  • No more user submitted link sites

    Hacker News was and still is pretty much a great source of interesting articles on the internet, but I’m starting to see a cycle. I think I’ve learned most of what HN has to offer. So from this second forward I vow to no longer use HN, Digg, Reddit, nor Slashdot. When I’m bored I…

  • Note to self.

    I keep forgetting this keyboard shortcut. expand all regions in VS: C-m C-p That is all.

  • Eclipse CTRL-3

    I’m using Eclipse a lot in my new job and it took me a month to discover CTRL-3 (Quick Access).  It’s the closest thing it has to Emacs’s M-x.  So I’ve binded Quick Access to Alt-x.  Eclipse is much easier to use now.

  • Visiting files using SSH in EmacsW32

    After much searching I discovered that the way to use ssh-based remote file visiting in emacs with TRAMP is by using the plink: method instead of ssh: while having your putty install directory in your PATH environment variable. So I’m writing that here in hopes that it might be easier for other people to find…

  • Brushing

    I wonder if TV shows/movies influence our daily routines. Could that be the reason we brush our teeth so quickly compared to Asians? Or should I change that “we” into a me…

  • Sakura

    I thoroughly enjoy watching the Cherry blossoms bloom in the Spring. The first time I saw it in Japan I was awed by how beautiful they are. I thought to myself that I could watch Sakura trees forever and never get tired of watching them. It then dawned on me that since they only show…

  • is the coolest… is the coolest thing ever. listen Powered by Jott

  • An Idea

    Lately I’ve been dreaming up of a window manager that could help me stay focused on a single thing by keeping me from multi-tasking. In the spirit of programs like writeroom and pyroom. It would always display windows in full screen mode. To do any action it would require you to type in a random…