Category: Planet

  • リアクション

    Today I made myself a chicken curry rice so good I nearly had a Yakitate Japan style reaction!

  • Stick it to the phishers

    I say that whenever you get a fake e-mail from a phishing site, go to it and enter totally bogus and insulting information. Make sure to take a few cracks at the guy’s mom while your at it. Although if you are using Windows it’s probably not a good idea.

  • Ubuntu 06.10 Edgy Eft

    I’ve upgraded Chiaki to Ubuntu 06.10.  I did a clean install this time because my 06.6 installation was pretty old, and had a good number of custom packages installed.  Luckily for me I found out that a lot of people have been having problems doing dist-upgrades.   I think 90% of those problems are because of…

  • Google Office

    The main feature that google office has that sets it apart from all the other office suits is built in revision control.  I wish or Abiword could do that.

  • Live search is a joke

    After scanning rather quickly through my Aapache access.log I found a line that really stood out. – – [01/Oct/2006:15:05:04 -0400] “GET /rms.html HTTP/1.1” 200 1390 “” “Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)” “-” The interesting part is the “q=buts” part. That means that the user searched for the word “buts” and was…

  • Windows

    In a work related e-mail it seems that the word crash and unstability brings up a bunch of ads for “Fix & Install Windows Easy!” “Fix Windows DLL & Other PC Errors Instantly”. Seriously why do people use this shit, it amazes me every day.

  • Sukiyaki

    Today I went to the mall for lunch because I can only stand Subway for so long.  The mall in Carolina had a Little Tokyo restaurant in it.  The signs showed a really good looking Chicken Katsu and Sukiyaki combo, but when I went to order all they had was Chicken Teriyaki and other staple…

  • Moving complete

    I’ve moved my website onto a new server.  This one is using VMware instead of User-Mode Linux.  The initial advantages are that I have control over my kernel.  Now to see if the LiveJournal plugin is working.

  • Compliments

    It’s no secret that people compliment your misrable attempts to speak their language all the time. Usually these compliments are straight forward, like “お上手ですね” (“Your Japanese is really good!”), which usually means more like “Hang in there!”. There’s also the surprise comment where you are better at their language than they expected these are usually…

  • Wobbly windows in Dapper

    There were a lot of upgrades today in Dapper. And it turns out compiz is one of them. So I installed it and xserver-xgl. Here’s how I got it running. First install the xserver-xgl and compiz packages using apt-get or synaptic (Originally taken from the instructions at Then edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom and make the empty…