Category: Planet

  • Multi-input touch screens

    Multi-input touch screen demos (Flash required).  This is probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.  The more I watch it the more I want to make it work.  It definitely feels like that’s going to be the next generation in computers. I want one for my Desktop, and more importantly I want to make sure…

  • Planet categories

    Well, mpop is back on the planet because he showed me how I can just subscribe to his technology category on his blog. I have since learned that wordpress is able to do this too. Ive been thinking about adding a Planet category that I can post everything I want to appear on the planet.…

  • SoundConverter

    We’ve all had an MP3 or FLAC that we’ve wanted OGGed and I’m sure we’ve all made bashscripts to do this for us but there’s an easier way! SoundConverter is a GNOME gui application that allows us to transcode our MP3s, OGGs, FLACs, and WAVs into any one of those formats in high or low…

  • Copyright Infringed

    So the author of Listen has taken code from Quod Libet (including code from my lyrics plugin) and ripped the copyright section (and my name) out and used it in his software. Now the code is GPL so I’m completely fine with him using it, it’s why I write open-source code, but removing my name…

  • Sharp MM20 Update

    I was asked by someone about the Sharp MM20’s Linux compatibility. I decided to post the info I gave him here to help anyone else thinking about getting one. Unfortunately the Actius MM20 is a huge piece of crap. Despite it’s incredible smallness, sharp screen, long battery life and Linux compatibility (Ubuntu worked out of…

  • Quod Libet

    Quod Libet is the music player I use and occasionally hack on. In the current revision in SVN my lyrics plugin has been integrated into the main player. I also added a feature to the album list view so that you could access the plugins menu from it. Since I’ve been in Japan for nearly…

  • Component Object Model

    So after getting the new laptop, and installing the Microsoft Retail Management System software I learn that the plugin system is based on legacy code, and not .NET code like I was told. I became very annoyed that my uncle didn’t know about this earlier because if I had known I was going to be…

  • PSP – PSP The PSP is like the Ring of Power. At first I bought it saying that I’d sell it after I played a couple of games. Unfortunately every time I try to send the PSP back into the fires of Mt. Doom. We wants it. That being said. I have found a couple…

  • Clean-up

    For the first time since I’ve got here I finished studying before passing out. So I spent the time re-organizing my gallery. I separated all my Japan pictures into their own album. I also did some cleanup of my home and www directories. I think I’ll back up the DBs and go to bed.

  • iBook G4

    My Sharp MM20’s HD died again. So I went to the electronics store in Sannomea and bought the cheapest non-sharp laptop I could find. An iBook G4. The thought of how much time and money I’ve poured into that MM20 makes me sad. It’s so damn cool too 🙁