Author: wmeddie

  • Compliments

    It’s no secret that people compliment your misrable attempts to speak their language all the time. Usually these compliments are straight forward, like “お上手ですね” (“Your Japanese is really good!”), which usually means more like “Hang in there!”. There’s also the surprise comment where you are better at their language than they expected these are usually…

  • Wobbly windows in Dapper

    There were a lot of upgrades today in Dapper. And it turns out compiz is one of them. So I installed it and xserver-xgl. Here’s how I got it running. First install the xserver-xgl and compiz packages using apt-get or synaptic (Originally taken from the instructions at Then edit /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-custom and make the empty…

  • Multi-input touch screens

    Multi-input touch screen demos (Flash required).  This is probably the coolest thing I’ve ever seen.  The more I watch it the more I want to make it work.  It definitely feels like that’s going to be the next generation in computers. I want one for my Desktop, and more importantly I want to make sure…

  • Planet categories

    Well, mpop is back on the planet because he showed me how I can just subscribe to his technology category on his blog. I have since learned that wordpress is able to do this too. Ive been thinking about adding a Planet category that I can post everything I want to appear on the planet.…

  • SoundConverter

    We’ve all had an MP3 or FLAC that we’ve wanted OGGed and I’m sure we’ve all made bashscripts to do this for us but there’s an easier way! SoundConverter is a GNOME gui application that allows us to transcode our MP3s, OGGs, FLACs, and WAVs into any one of those formats in high or low…

  • Copyright Infringed

    So the author of Listen has taken code from Quod Libet (including code from my lyrics plugin) and ripped the copyright section (and my name) out and used it in his software. Now the code is GPL so I’m completely fine with him using it, it’s why I write open-source code, but removing my name…

  • Saturday Night

    Last night was looking light it was going to be another boring Saturday night. Extreme boredom calls for extreme measures so I e-mailed the Kobe ESS mailing list asking if anyone was doing something. Turns out my friend Jose from Argentina was going clubbing that night so I was saved. I read the e-mail at…

  • Test 2

    I botched something up in WordPress by using the Google toolbar’s spelling function. But I think it’s fixed now… Nope

  • Ubuntu Dapper

    The next release of Ubuntu version 06.04 is called Dapper. Because my friend Joe was upgrading Quod Libet to use version 0.10 of the Gstreamer framework and needed help testing it I decided I’d upgrade to Dapper. The upgrade went smoother than any upgrades I’ve done before. Debian’s system really puts OS X and Windows…

  • Testing… Testing…

    Well, looks like there’s finally been a release of the LivePress plugin for WordPress 2.0.  I can’t edit my LJ account settings in it but here’s to hoping it still works.