Author: wmeddie

  • Again…

    The server was compromised again. great job script-kiddie, you ruined my already sucky day. Since there’s only one important file on my site, I’ve re-uploaded that. And I’ve started making a local copy of all the pictures in my gallery for the full wipe I’m doing ASAP. The bad thing about Debian for incompetents like…

  • Internet Explorer

    Internet Explorer sucks! … That is all

  • Couldn’t have put it better myself

    <piman> joshk: The suck of GTK and Python is combining to form some kind of ultrasuck. <joshk> suckimus prime

  • Upgrade Complete

    The new WordPress is very nice. Unfortunately either planet or liferea marked all my stuff as new again.

  • Paranoia

    Browsing things like mysql.log and access.log is just scary. People try to hack into my blog all the time it seems. I think I’m going to take this time to upgrade WordPress and change my password again. I hope the planet doesn’t get stupid an mark every post I’ve made as new.

  • Hotdog suit

    I just receiveda flyer for a party by a guy in a hotdog suit. That’s not something that happens every day.

  • New Page

    New Page Well it’s now 4am, it took me 4 hours to get it working. No assembly done tonight. I’m so good at procrastination, it hurts.

  • Website overhaul

    Since my website was attacked I’ve been working on security and making a real site instead of just a wiki. I looked into JSP and mod_python to see what crazyness I could come up with. JSP didn’t work very well since Debian stable only has Java2 1.1. Stable’s mod_python is pretty old so I can’t…

  • Back from Doug’s house

    I spent the weekend at Doug’s house working on our PalmOS project (A 2-player game that uses IrDA). Although we both got pretty far along, we still don’t have anything that’s playable yet. Doug started by writing on top of the example serial_chat.c program that the professor gave the class. I really hate writing in-side…

  • Progress

    So I’ve been accepted into Konan Daigaku’s Year in Japan program, and I’m super happy. It’s been 5 years since I started learning Japanese (99% of what I’ve learned has been in the last two years.) Now I have a million papers to fill out and mail ASAP, the work never ends. In my Ritsumeikan…