Author: wmeddie

  • Dreams

    Lately all of my dreams have been in Japanese. I barely do any talking, and I’m always struggleing to understand everyone around me. Lately I’ve been watching Japanese doramas and trying to see how much I can understand. I can follow the story pretty well dispite the fact that I’m starting the series in the…

  • WPLUG Planet

    WPLUG Planet Got the WPLUG Planet beta test running. Hopefully it’s configured correctly and I’ll see this up there in three hours.

  • New Todo List

    My current Todo list is: – Turn in Eavesdropping JSL28 – Turn in R/W #3 – Turn in R/W #2 – Do CS449 Project 3 I’m sure I’ll be able to catch up with Japanese by the end of spring break. I hope to finish Project 3 tomorrow. for bonus points

  • Finished my Study Aborad Applications!

    Currently my Todo list is: – Do Eavesdropping JSL28 – Do R/W #3 – Do R/W #2 – Turn in R/W #1 – Do Logic proofs 110-210 I finally got my applications done, now it’s time to catch up in Japanese and logic class. I also plan to catch up on my reading, after I…

  • So much work

    Currently my Todo list is: – Finish Ritsumeikan Application – Finish CS449 Project 2 – Do Eavesdropping JSL28 – Do R/W #3 – Do R/W #2 – Turn in R/W #1 – Do Logic proofs 110-210 This is huge. Project 2 is due in less than 24 hours. And the Ritsumeikan essay is due Tuesday.…

  • Helping out in iPod Linux

    Once I finish my applications for Konan and Ritsumeikan I’m going to start working on getting linux on my iPod. As long as it can play MP3s I’ll be happy. If I can get it to play Oggs in real-time I’ll be even happier. I really want this to happen so I’m giving it my…

  • Blog spam sucks

    I just erased a shit-load of blog spam. I didn’t even know it existed until yesterday! The internet is a sad place… Lain now has Swap! I didn’t even notice it was missing swap. oh well. Last weekend I went to the farm to visit my grandma and grandpa for Thanks Giving. It was pretty…

  • I can’t belive how complicated this is…

    I’m currently trying to get Quod Libet (My new favorite mp3/ogg player) to have multimedia key support (Play, Stop, Prev, Next buttons on some keyboards) I can’t believe how complicated this is. Actually it’s pretty simple to understand what is going on in Muine’s source code for multimedia key support. But the ammount of stuff…

  • The Tree outside my window ???-October 22, 2004

    They just cut down the tree that stood next to my apartment today. Now the outside is much less pretty. In fact it’s just plain ugly. Not to mention that now everyone can see into my room… Maybe I should get a curtain now. 🙁

  • Third Post!

    Well, I’ve made little progress in pyfolder this week. But a lot of progress on my non-cs classes. I managed to get a B in my Japanese oral mid-term, I’m really happy about what Takabatake said: “Although Inaccurate, you could communicate very well.” I also got a 3.5 on fluency and a 4 on “culture…