Category: General
The server was compromised again. great job script-kiddie, you ruined my already sucky day. Since there’s only one important file on my site, I’ve re-uploaded that. And I’ve started making a local copy of all the pictures in my gallery for the full wipe I’m doing ASAP. The bad thing about Debian for incompetents like…
Upgrade Complete
The new WordPress is very nice. Unfortunately either planet or liferea marked all my stuff as new again.
Browsing things like mysql.log and access.log is just scary. People try to hack into my blog all the time it seems. I think I’m going to take this time to upgrade WordPress and change my password again. I hope the planet doesn’t get stupid an mark every post I’ve made as new.
Hotdog suit
I just receiveda flyer for a party by a guy in a hotdog suit. That’s not something that happens every day.
Website overhaul
Since my website was attacked I’ve been working on security and making a real site instead of just a wiki. I looked into JSP and mod_python to see what crazyness I could come up with. JSP didn’t work very well since Debian stable only has Java2 1.1. Stable’s mod_python is pretty old so I can’t…
So much work
Currently my Todo list is: – Finish Ritsumeikan Application – Finish CS449 Project 2 – Do Eavesdropping JSL28 – Do R/W #3 – Do R/W #2 – Turn in R/W #1 – Do Logic proofs 110-210 This is huge. Project 2 is due in less than 24 hours. And the Ritsumeikan essay is due Tuesday.…
Helping out in iPod Linux
Once I finish my applications for Konan and Ritsumeikan I’m going to start working on getting linux on my iPod. As long as it can play MP3s I’ll be happy. If I can get it to play Oggs in real-time I’ll be even happier. I really want this to happen so I’m giving it my…
Blog spam sucks
I just erased a shit-load of blog spam. I didn’t even know it existed until yesterday! The internet is a sad place… Lain now has Swap! I didn’t even notice it was missing swap. oh well. Last weekend I went to the farm to visit my grandma and grandpa for Thanks Giving. It was pretty…
I can’t belive how complicated this is…
I’m currently trying to get Quod Libet (My new favorite mp3/ogg player) to have multimedia key support (Play, Stop, Prev, Next buttons on some keyboards) I can’t believe how complicated this is. Actually it’s pretty simple to understand what is going on in Muine’s source code for multimedia key support. But the ammount of stuff…